What is a blog?

Despite the fact that the words ” blog” and” blogging” were added to our vocabulary recently, most people have known the meaning of these words for hundreds of years. They just called it by a different name.

It was known as a "diary" instead of ”blog” and people never dreamt to make money with their everyday writing. Millions of diaries have either been destroyed, thrown away, or still collecting dust in drawers and attics. What a waste of resources and potential income that could be derived from this valuable content! :))

A new generation of folks have become smarter and more capitalistic. Instead of writing in an old-fashioned diary, they begin blogging on the Internet and are turning every word into cash. Even if these words are written with grammatical mistakes.

The laziest Internet users went even further! They learned how to make short video clips with a camera or cell phone and begin to profit from the video content instead of the writing content.

There is no question that anyone can write in a personal diary: men, women, teenagers, retired people, educated professionals, and school drop-outs, etc can enter their thoughts into a diary. Yes, anybody can do it! But for some mysterious reason many people think that blogging is much more complicated than writing in a diary. Believe me, it is not.

Of course, instead of a book and pencil you will need to have a computer with an Internet connection and be able to type with at least one finger. As soon as you have a computer and a subject to write about, you are all set for making money with blogs.

Pretty soon, people who don't have blogs will be as rare to find as those who don't have email. You better learn how to do it now or in the future you could be quickly left behind.